Matt SmytheNov 17, 2017FIVE WEIGHTNot here. You fuckers cannot follow me here. His dad looked over his shoulder from the tailgate at Charlie, standing in the tall grass...
Matt SmytheJan 4, 2017DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DOThe 4th day of the new year is winding down. A couple fingers of bourbon. Leif Vollebekk singing Cairo Blues. Two dogs vying for heat-run...
Matt SmytheDec 9, 2014THE COURAGE OF HOPEI have two handwritten quotes on two small pieces of yellow legal paper taped to the wall next to my desk. Each given to me by friends at...
Matt SmytheNov 14, 2011HEALING THOSE WHO SERVEDThe weekend of November 4th brought a pretty heavy frost to the Salmon River near Altmar, NY. It also brought over a dozen combat...
Matt SmytheNov 11, 2010BASIC5:30 a.m. Rain, low/mid 40’s August 28, 1990, my 18th birthday Ft. Leonard Wood, MO Up at that hour, I wished I was getting my gear...