We’re just about ready to put a fantastic – and challenging – 2017 in the rear view. It’s been a year of change for me, my family, and many friends. A year of conversations about purpose, dreams, beliefs, and realities born of happiness and heartache–more so than in many recent years. I’m not sure how much of that is a product of our country’s political/cultural/social landscape, the sudden slap of realizing the too-long tenure of status quo, or the circuital ebb and flow of getting older and (in small doses) wiser. Regardless, conversations.
One recent talk brought up our film, A Deliberate Life, and the fact that people tell me that they still return to it once in a while to remind themselves that life’s too short to not focus on and fight for what’s important. It’s been 5 years since the first version of ADL came out. You’d think I’d have it figured out, but I’ve come to realize that returning to the story is something I need to do more. I need the reminder. A lot.
I don’t have a new film produced, or follow up to Deliberate Life (yet). But I am making the full film available now. After 5 years as a Vimeo on Demand option, I think it’s time to let the stories, music, and amazing imagery head for wide open spaces again. And I think it’s time I followed.
Here’s to a stellar 2018. I wish you all the best.